
How We Support Our Candidates ?

We Publish Our Job Postings on our website www.humancapital.com.tr

www.humancapital.com.tr is the platform where Human Kapital publishes job postings. You can access our job postings suitable for you from the Job Postings link under the JOB SEEKER menu. If we do not have a job posting suitable for you, when you register via the Job Seeker Membership link and determine your job search criteria, job postings suitable for you will be shared with your e-mail address.

We Offer Unmatched Experience in 24 Sectors Since 2005

As Human Kapital, we offer you important business opportunities thanks to the valuable experience, business and professional knowledge and market experience gained in 24 sectors since 2005. Thanks to our long-term cooperation with our corporate customers with 70% foreign capital, we support you in catching your dream career opportunities.

We Care About the Confidentiality of Candidate Information

At Human Kapital, we conduct the entire recruitment process confidentially. We keep your resume or interview report you submit confidential and do not make it available to any company without your consent. Before presenting your interview report to the customer in new job opportunities, our recruitment consultants call you and inform you about the position and the company. If you approve, we present your interview report.

We Are With You At Every Stage Of The Recruitment Process

We evaluate our candidates with the meticulousness of a personal career consultant. Not only do we interview you, but we also make concrete suggestions on areas you need to improve. While presenting you to the customer, we highlight your strengths, arouse curiosity in the employer and make them want to meet you. As Human Kapital, we know our customers and the roles they are looking for very well, so we do not offer job offers that will put your career at risk.

We Notify You of New Business Opportunities

As Human Kapital, we search for suitable candidates and inform about new roles by filtering through our digital software in the new position requests coming from around 250 customer portfolio in 24 sectors. Once you attend an interview with us, we keep you informed about new positions and inform you about job opportunities.

We Provide Feedback to Candidates in 2-3 Weeks

When we present you to our customer companies, we provide 2-3 weeks feedback about your situation. We manage this process together with our candidates. We are transparent at every stage of recruitment. Due to our digital infrastructure in our recruitment processes, we inform you through the system when we present the report. When necessary, our candidates can ask about their status through the system.